LECTURE series

The ‘Patient Voice’ in Health Technology Assessment

In this lecture Chris Skedgel delves into the intersection of patient perspectives and health technology assessment (HTA). 

The “patient voice” refers to the perspectives, preferences, and experiences of patients themselves. It emphasizes the importance of involving patients directly in decision-making processes related to healthcare technologies, treatments, and interventions. 

Chris explores three critical areas:

  1. Patient preferences in HTA
  2. Empirical evidence around the role of patient preferences in HTA
  3. Debates over the future of the patient voice in HTA
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Meet the instructor

Chris Skedgel

Chris has over 25 years of applied health economics experience in consulting and academia. His interests centre on the use of health economics to maximise the societal value of scarce healthcare resources, including economic modelling of outcomes and value–for– money, and stated preference methods to elicit patient and public values. Chris has more than 50 peer–reviewed publications on topics including cost–effectiveness evaluations, stated preference studies, methodological contributions, issue commentaries, and invited editorials.
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