LECTURE series

Are Adaptive Pathways always the answer?

In this lecture Adrian Towse delves into the strategic use of adaptive pathways in healthcare and explores risk-sharing schemes, scientific advice, and the nuanced decision-making process behind their adoption.

Adaptive Pathways refer to a prospectively planned, iterative approach for bringing medicines to market. Adaptive pathways aim to facilitate early and progressive patient access to new medicines while considering real-world data and patient needs.

Adrian explores two critical areas:

  1. Application of value of information to inform optimal use of risk-sharing schemes
  2. When companies should actively seek an AP, including scientific advice.
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Meet the instructor

Adrian Towse

Adrian joined the OHE in 1993 and served as Director for 25 years. Alongside his commitment to OHE, he is a Senior Visiting Fellow at the Health Economics Research Centre, Nuffield Department of Population Health, at the University of Oxford, Adrian also has been a Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics and a Visiting Professor at the University of York. For ten years, he served as a Non-Executive Director of the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, one of the UK’s largest hospital groups. Adrian was President of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) for the 2014-15 term and currently
serves on its Finance, Governance, and Awards Committees. He currently serves as Vice-Chair of the HTA Committee of the Centre for Innovation in Regulatory Science
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